Metal Cleaning Flux
Advanced Fluxes for the Foundry and Die Cast Industries
Del Sol offers a full line of drossing, wall cleaning, and degassing fluxes for aluminum and copper based applications. With many products to choose from, we are able to provide just the right flux for your metal cleaning application.
We have great success with a variety of drossing fluxes for many alloys and even offer sodium free versions (sodium free flux).
Are you having trouble with carundum buildup on your furnace walls? We have both a daily "keep it clean" wall cleaning flux, and a highly exothermic "get it clean" variety depending on how bad the walls are.
In copper based applications, we offer drossing, wall cleaning, and degassing fluxes for both crucible and linig based melt practice.
Have a specific need or would like a quote? CONTACT US and we will get you taken care of.